Getting started with webR for Tidy Tuesday

Load the data

WebR only has limited packages, so we’ll load the data directly. Click Run code to load the data.

Take a look at the data here (e.g., head(surveys)). Any commands you enter will be run when you click Run code.

Not all NA’s are NA’s

There is a species code "NA" for Neotoma albigula. Try adding na.strings = "" to read.csv() for surveys and species to properly import it. You can change them right in the code block and click Run code to rerun.

Install packages

To install packages in webr use webr::install() with a vector of packages you want to install.

The following packages are currently available in webr:

  [1] "Hmisc"        "MASS"         "Matrix"       "R6"           "RColorBrewer"
  [6] "Rcpp"         "askpass"      "base64enc"    "bit"          "bit64"       
 [11] "bitops"       "brio"         "bslib"        "cachem"       "cellranger"  
 [16] "cli"          "clipr"        "colorspace"   "commonmark"   "cpp11"       
 [21] "crayon"       "data.table"   "decor"        "desc"         "diffobj"     
 [26] "digest"       "dplyr"        "ellipsis"     "evaluate"     "fansi"       
 [31] "farver"       "fastmap"      "fontawesome"  "forcats"      "fs"          
 [36] "generics"     "ggplot2"      "glue"         "gtable"       "hexbin"      
 [41] "hms"          "htmltools"    "htmlwidgets"  "httpuv"       "httr"        
 [46] "isoband"      "jquerylib"    "jsonlite"     "labeling"     "later"       
 [51] "lattice"      "latticeExtra" "lifecycle"    "magrittr"     "memoise"     
 [56] "mgcv"         "mime"         "mockr"        "munsell"      "nlme"        
 [61] "openssl"      "pillar"       "pkgconfig"    "pkgload"      "praise"      
 [66] "prettyunits"  "progress"     "promises"     "purrr"        "rappdirs"    
 [71] "readr"        "readxl"       "rematch"      "rematch2"     "rlang"       
 [76] "rprojroot"    "rstudioapi"   "sass"         "scales"       "shiny"       
 [81] "survival"     "sourcetools"  "stringi"      "stringr"      "svglite"     
 [86] "sys"          "testthat"     "tibble"       "tidyr"        "tidyselect"  
 [91] "tinytest"     "tzdb"         "unitizer"     "utf8"         "vctrs"       
 [96] "viridisLite"  "vroom"        "waldo"        "whoami"       "withr"       
[101] "writexl"      "xtable"       "yaml"        

Install any packages you want here by changing package1 with the package name you want to install:

Big packages can be a little slow

Big packages like ggplot2 can be a little slow to install and load in WebR

Tidy Tuesday away!

Anything you type in this block will run when you click Run code. This cell also has access to objects created in other WebR cells on this page (like the data and packages installed above). Enjoy!